Yamaha Raptor Yamaha

Yamaha Yfm700 Raptor 700 Cp Piston 734cc

Yamaha Yfm700 Raptor 700 Cp Piston 734cc
Yamaha Yfm700 Raptor 700 Cp Piston 734cc
Yamaha Yfm700 Raptor 700 Cp Piston 734cc
Yamaha Yfm700 Raptor 700 Cp Piston 734cc
Yamaha Yfm700 Raptor 700 Cp Piston 734cc

Yamaha Yfm700 Raptor 700 Cp Piston 734cc  Yamaha Yfm700 Raptor 700 Cp Piston 734cc
Here for sale today is a Yamaha yfm700 raptor 700 cp piston 734cc. +3mm piston for the raptor grizzly and rhino. Complete with rings pin and containing clips. This engine was fitted to my xt660 for about 5 minutes running time before it was removed for a multitude of reasons. I doubt ill ever use it so its up for sale. I can help with fitting or rebore if you need it just ask. Any questions please just ask.

This item is in the category "vehicle parts & accessories\motorcycle & scooter parts & accessories\other motorcycle & scooter parts & accessories".Reeves" and is located in this country: gb.

This item can be shipped to the following countries: United kingdom, antigua-and-barbuda, autrich, belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, chypre, Czech Republic, danemark, estonia, finland, france, allemagne, grèce, hongrie, irland, italia, Latvian, litany, luxumburg, malt, country-bass, pollogne, portugal, roumania, slovakia, slovenia, espagne, sueda, australia, canada, japon, new-zelande, china, hong kong, norvège, indonesia, Malaysia, mexico, singapore, South Korea, swiss, taïwan, bangladesh, beliza, berba, barbad, dominique, guernsey, gibraltar, guadeloupe, gyane, islande, jerland, jordessie, sordas, sordas, sordas, sorbas, sorbas, sorkas, sorbas, sorbas, sorbas, sorkas, sorbas, sorbas, sorbas, sorbas, sorbas, sorbas, sorbas, sorbas, sorbas, sorbas, sorbas, sorbas
  1. brand: yamaha

Yamaha Yfm700 Raptor 700 Cp Piston 734cc  Yamaha Yfm700 Raptor 700 Cp Piston 734cc